
James Liskutin
Seaford East Sussex United Kingdom

Bio & Interests

James Liskutin Grandson Of Czechoslovak Fighter Pilot General Miroslav Antonin, Tony, Liskutin DFC AFC RAF. I am always keen to continue educating the Youth and anyone interested In the Missions my grandfather completed. For media and archives contact me at Telephone: 07555354611 X: jamesliskutin Facebook: james Liskutin Instagram: james Liskutin Snapchat : james Liskutin Tumbler: james Liskutin Wk: james Liskutin

Pilots I am Following

 Liskutin, Miroslav, Antonin


by: James Liskutin Contact me for information on my grandfather and the Czechoslovakia squadrons 2024-07-01 19:33:45

If anyone wants to contact me regarding information on my grandfather, I am very happy to help. Grandfather taught me all my lifetime about his aviation career. I have all his photos and all his personal items from the war. He instructed me to continue teaching people about what happened. My number is 07555354611
Regards James Liskutin.